Monday, October 13, 2008

World Economy and Me

Hey! Don't look at me? Everyone's been hit by the US economy and there's nothing we can do about it. Or are there?

Don't push the panic button yet. And I hope you never will. Experts say this is temporary. And I hope you'll think smart. Because ignorance is the next target. Not the rich, the investors, and specially not the banks. And you might ask what about the financial institutions that's creating havoc in the States?

It's just temporary.

Global warming is not.

We can fix what's going on with the stock market. But not Global warming. So the next time you watch the news, look at the BIG picture.


I'm just warmin' up my barbecue...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

What's in it for me?

Apple announces the iphone as the cheapest PDA ever at $199?!?!?! duh? only to find out that your telecom company is selling it at $617 the cheapest! Iphones are a no-brainer. Why buy a phone that's $400 more? Are you giving away your life's savings? I hope Apple can address this because if Steve Jobs once told us that he wants everyone to have an iphone, then it remains to be a dream. And a phone you wish you'd have but remains in the magazine. It will be just a phone made popular by YMs, gossips and street talks.

And what's in it for me?

Nothing. Just waiting for an alternative from Samsung and Nokia which by the way is already available...

and waiting for the iphone to just fade away...

Compre, Apps and What-have-you's

Hay! It's been a while since I've got this jitters. The last time I think was when I took the NCEE exams in high school. Jitters, really. It's not the problems. I can handle problems. It's just like mathematics. But jitters? Count me out! I don't know why suddenly I have these butterflies in my stomach. And it's not falling in love...really.