Wednesday, December 01, 2010


Sometimes you pray. Sometimes intensely. Then you pray "Thy will be done". For a while, you thought the words would bring you happiness. This will be a wonderful and great time for me now. But wham! you start complaining? What's went wrong? You prayed to be given a whole new life, stress free work, more time with your family, and laid back care free life. But what went wrong?

You prayed that everything will be according to His plan. Then He gave what He thinks is right for you...and not what you think is right for yourself. That's what's wrong! You think "Thy will be done" means you can have it your way. EENNGGKKK! Think again! "Thy will be done" means you have to go the path that the Lord wants you to go, not what you think you're going. That's what keeps us complaining. Because we want it our way. We want to think that He will give us what we want. And that's not part of the plan. When you say "Thy will be done", it's His way and not your way.

So think again.

The next time you pray, when you say "Thy will be done", don't think of what will happen. Think of what will become. That means, accept what He gives you. Sometimes, what you think is bad, is not really the end of the world. There's this tiny hole that when you pass through it, then it's gonna be a blast!

The key word here is acceptance. Sometimes it's hard to swallow, but like medicine, the after effect is awesome!